Penetration Testing and Employee Education to avoid Social Engineeing (Cyber Security)

#socialengineering is method used to fool you and be the weak link in your organisation

Perform your Penetration Test and educate your employee on Cybersecurity Awareness to stay ahead of Cyber Risk

#staysafe #cybersecurity #hacker #soc #securityoperationcenter #malware #virus #ransomware #darkweb #pyton #cybersecurityawareness #vulsanx #sangroup #prakashchristiansen +Prakash Christiansen #pentester #securityexpert

Visit Vulsanx for my advice :

Interpol World 2019

This will be another exposure for VULSAN X to speak in an international stage.

This time we will be sharing on Cyber Terrorism impacting Business. Join us at Singapore to listen and network with other international delegates.

= VULSAN X = will be at the Interpol World 2019 conference ..

#interpolworld2019 #interpolworld #interpol #conference #police #singapore #cyberattack #cybersecurity #vulsanx #vulsanxcybersecurity #vulsanxconferance #cyberterrorism #threathunting #siem #soc